Naats - Aaiyan Thandiyan Hawanwan Madeenedaff K Sath Of Akhtar Qureshi Daff Ke Saath

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Listen to all the naats and you will realize the power of voice. We have made it easy for our valued users to dowload best urdu naats on just one click. He is a true ashiq-e-Rasool and it spills out of naat sharif by Akhtar Qureshi Daff Ke Saath. Akhtar Qureshi Daff Ke Saath There are almost 5000 naat sharif by Akhtar Qureshi Daff Ke Saath and more than 160 albums in different languages. He is one of the early appearances on ptv as a naat khawan. You may also enjoy the naats of unknow naat khawa, shahbaaz qamar fareedi, mohammad noman qadri, Do not forget to listen to mohammad noman qadri is also a fellow naat khawan. too. Listen to more naats of akhtar-qureshi-daff-ke-saath.

aaiyan thandiyan hawanwan madeenedaff k sath

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