Naats - Apne Maa Baap Ka Dil Of Farhan Ali Qadri

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In Order to pay homage to this naat icon of pakistan iRulz proudly added all his famous naats. We have made it easy for our valued users to dowload best urdu naats on just one click. He is a true ashiq-e-Rasool and it spills out of naat sharif by Farhan Ali Qadri. Farhan Ali Qadri There are almost 5000 naat sharif by Farhan Ali Qadri and more than 160 albums in different languages. Farhan Ali Qadri latest urdu naats collection captured attention of ashiqan-e-rasool all over the country. You may also enjoy the naats of marghoob ahmad hamdani, qari khushi muhammad, abrar ul haq, Do not forget to listen to abrar ul haq also recited similar naats. too. Listen to more naats of farhan-ali-qadri.

apne maa baap ka dil

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