Most of naats by this naat khawan are in urdu and hindi. We have huge collection of all naat khawan mp3 naats on iRulz to facilitate its members. He is equally popular among those who love to listen urdu naats and naat sharif in other languages too e.g punjabi, arabic and seraiki. He is a true ashiq-e-Rasool and it spills out of naat sharif by Mohammad Arif Siddiqui. Mohammad Arif Siddiqui if you want to download urdu naats of Mohammad Arif Siddiqui or even if you want to download mp3 naat sharif by this great naat khawan you are just one click away. You may also enjoy the naats of others, huriya rafiq, humaira arshad, Do not forget to listen to humaira arshad is also a fellow naat khawan. too. Listen to more naats of mohammad-arif-siddiqui.