Qawwali - No Me Hagas Tantos Planes Of Faiz Ali Faiz

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Qawwali from this sufi qawwal is very famous among youngsters. Please buy the whole album from a local distributor if you like Faiz-Ali-Faiz qawwalis and other qawwalis of this qawwal. Faiz Ali Faiz has voice that can mesmerize audience of all age. Faiz Ali Faiz is one of the classic qawwal of our history. We have lined up vast collection of Best Qawali by Faiz Ali Faiz for our users and it will enable them to download urdu Qawali or listen badar mian dad qawali. You may also enjoy the qawwali of ghous muhammad nasir, rare elements remix, Noor Jehan, Do not forget to listen to Noor Jehan was born in Pakistan and has visited India, USA, UK, and Canada as well as europe. too. Listen to more naats of Faiz-Ali-Faiz.

no me hagas tantos planes

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